What if Jesus and Judas were twin brothers, with different strengths and weaknesses but having great love and loyalty towards one another?
What if Mary Magdalene was a Woman of Power, who nurtured and protected the Twins as she planned a Slave Revolt against Rome?
What if those plans ended up in tatters, and Judas was called on to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save his brother from the Romans, and also to save the world?
What if it were Judas who had the courage and the love to allow himself to be taken by the Romans, to be scourged and brutalised and eventually crucified?
What if Judas should be called Conqueror instead of Betrayer? If his true names include the Risen Sun and the Light of the World, the Unsung Hero and the Lion of Judah?
What if his true name is in fact Brave Judas Iscariot, the most slandered son of the world, the self-hanged God so viciously accused for the latter part of history?
The Same Names But Not As You Know Them...
The book tells a much more gripping and plausible version of the Gospel story, and one that is also more humane and moving.
Jesus is made warmer and more sympathetic. He is acknowledged as the undisputed Living Word but his words are invariably about love: love on a genuinely human level, occurring between individual people to meet their simple needs. A much more relatable and admirable character than the scriptural Jesus, although he still suffers from flaws that drive the tragedy of the story.
Mary Magdalene is not the whore she is so often presumed to be. Neither is she the woman with seven demons that must rely upon Jesus to cure her. Instead she is a woman of power, the greatest amongst the sisterhood of Lupa, with savagery and power beyond what Her Sisters can comprehend. She seeks the literal end of the world and also union with her beloved Jesus, but Her grasping at visions of the future destroys Her hopes and slates the whole world for ruin.
Judas Iscariot is the undisputed Hero of the story, redeemed from the slander that has been cast against Him for the last two thousand years. He is no longer the swarthy and the swindler, the Kiss of Death, Strange Fruit of a Wretched Tree. Instead He is revealed as our Conquering King, the Lion of Judah whose suffering is our best symbol of the depth and constancy of Love.
The only character who needs an introduction is Lily. She is also known as Rose and Ruth and Shoshana. She is a complete unknown, but as narrator of the main story and an increasingly central player she becomes more important as the work goes on, especially as protector and supporter of Judas as he goes out to make the ultimate sacrifice.
In other parts of the LUPA mythos she appears as Lilith of The Last Day, and also as the unnamed benefactor who appears to Jesse in his extremity. With her eyes pooled blue like oceans and her hair like sheaves of wheat, thick braids of golden sunshine and her skin all the bounty of the fields.